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Window inside home with a view to yard
June 24, 2024

How To Burglar-Proof Windows In Fort Lauderdale

It’s a circumstance no homeowner wants to confront - a thief creeping through a window and into your residence. You come home to see possessions stolen and your dwelling a mess. Luckily, there are several helpful options for securing your most at-risk access areas. Find out how to burglar-proof windows in Fort Lauderdale and discover the benefits of an integrated security system.

Set Off Your Alarm With Security Sensors

If a trespasser makes an effort to enter through a window, your alarm needs to go off, and you should be contacted right away, even if you’re away. You can get this connectivity when installing leading door and window sensors in Fort Lauderdale. Pick from these different kinds:

  • Contact sensors: Versatile and simple, contact sensors establish a magnetic field by using a two-piece system. If the window opens, the field is interrupted, signaling your alarm to trigger. You may utilize contact sensors on doors, windows, and other locations like swimming pool entrances.
  • Glass break sensors: Some criminals may simply venture to shatter a window instead of opening it. Prepare for this possibility with glass break sensors. You can discover acoustic sensors that discern sound, other kinds that sense the vibration from glass breaking, and some that sense both.

No matter what you choose, the sensors will signal your alarm and even notify you by way of your smartphone's home security app.

Identify Activity With Motion Sensors In Fort Lauderdale

If a trespasser advances toward your residence and is abruptly blinded by light, he will in all likelihood go the other way. Motion-activated lighting can be highly effective in keeping prowlers away from windows. Put them within close distance of your windows. On the interior, you may utilize standalone motion detectors as a secondary line of security. You'll find out if someone steps into a room they shouldn’t be in.

Dissuade Prowlers With Video Surveillance And A Security Sign

If a flash of light doesn’t keep burglars away from your property, outdoor cameras will often do the job. Merely the sight of cameras is often enough to scare off intruders. Today’s surveillance systems will even integrate with your other components. Trigger lights to turn on and get instant alerts sent to your mobile device and monitoring specialists. Home security signage provides another visual cue that your residence is not a suitable target.

Additional Ways To Burglar-Proof Windows In Fort Lauderdale

Your home’s security system and its connected components will burglar-proof windows in Fort Lauderdale, but they aren’t your only option. Review these additional burglar-proofing solutions:

  • Put in window bars. This security measure may be installed inside or out. There are standard and more ornamental bars, as well as various modes of attachment. Select from removable, fixed, or swing-away.
  • Upgrade your current window locks and hardware. Select sturdier, more secure locks, and opt for tamper-resistant screws that can’t be easily removed.
  • Use window security screens. Powerful, stainless-steel screens are hard to circumvent.
  • Use window security film.Simple-to-install security film can be measured to your precise window dimensions. It works similarly to windshield glass and keeps the window from shattering into your interior.
  • Inquire about shatter-resistant glass. This unique glass is very durable and holds firm against intrusion attempts. It cracks into a spiderweb while keeping its shape. It may also protect against storm-related damage.

Protect Your Windows And Your Whole Home With Secure24 Alarm Systems

Get the latest tools to burglar-proof your windows and the rest of your Fort Lauderdale home by consulting with Secure24 Alarm Systems. We feature modern surveillance systems, motion activated implements, and window sensors to keep you completely safe. Call (954) 688-4955 today to customize your home security package.